Smart Parents
Helping your children to find the right path

Welcome to Smart Parents

Maire CampbellMy name is Maire Campbell and I am a professional counsellor, psychosexual therapist and trainer. I also work as a parenting consultant giving help and support to parents experiencing minor hiccups or major traumas with their children.

I prefer to use the term 'consultant' because I believe parents should be the real experts when it comes to their children. I offer help and advice during difficult phases, suggest simple strategies that really work and support parents to have confidence in their roles.

Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to appear on television to enlist professional parenting help and support. Neither do you have to be entered on an official 'referral list', wait months for an appointment, travel miles or pay extortionate fees.

Smart Parents provides professional, confidential assistance to parents experiencing difficulties with children. Problems that can be helped include most things encountered through normal childhood and adolescence including sleep problems, sibling conflict, rudeness and rebellion, challenging boundaries etc.

Maire Campbell

  • Cert. CC & Dip PST (Relate)



Situated in the Chew Valley between Bristol, Bath and Wells.

For information about personal, relationship or psychosexual counselling visit